
Finding Nemo 10 out of 10 2003

Finding Nemo is one of my favorite Pixar films.   The Chemistry between Marlin (Albert Brooks) and Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) is amazing.   The visuals are stunning as Pixar took things to another level by taking us into the ocean.   The story is simple.  Marlin an over protective father loses his son to a scuba diver’s net.   He must faces his fears and the open ocean to find his son.   Along the way he encounters a Blue fish named Dory with short term memory loss.

The movie features great action sequences and great comedy as the two fish traverse the ocean.   Meanwhile Nemo is stuck in a fish tank at a Dentist’s office and is working on a plan to escape himself.  When I first saw this film I immediately fell in love with it.  Now that I have my own son and have first hand felt like that over protective dad I love it even more.   Finding Nemo is a heroes journey in the true sense.  The hero just happens to be a fish.  I absolutely recommend this film for both kids and adults.


I loved this movie so much that Marlin even made my list of Best Movie Dad’s on our Best Movie Dads  episode of the Super, Fantastic, Terrific  Podcast
