In this Goofy Cartoon Goofy goes all film noir and stars as a Detective named Johnny Eyeballs.  The cartoon included (Pete) as the Policeman and a weasel that seems straight out of Roger Rabbit.


Goofy is hired to be a mysterious woman straight out of any film noir detective story to find “Al” who is missing.   This cartoon serves a good satire for the noir mystery crime films popular at the time. Goofy keeps getting warned by the cop played by the infamous Pete to stay off the case and let the police handle it.  Goofy encounters a dangerous weasel  and ends up in a totally silly over the top car chase all over town.  The mystery is solved at the end with a twist ending that I leave for you to discover.

Goofy How to Be A Detective 1953

I loved this cartoon because I’m a big fan of the film noir genre and I think Goofy makes for an interesting detective set in this type of story.  While watching this I imagined this being one of the films that Goofy made as an actor in the movie Roger Rabbit.  How fun would a movie with Roger and Goofy trying to solve a mystery be?

This cartoon can be found on the Walt Disney Treasures: The Complete Goofy DVD set